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Reflective Essay: ICT as a Platform for Change

ICT has evolved over the years, and it has managed to influence people in many ways. Within this part of the blog, let us talk positively about the impact of ICT.


Focusing on its brighter side, when used responsibly with a sole purpose, ICT can successfully complete this task.

Inspiring with a Lesson or Message through the Internet: Being a Girl

In the TikTok clip posted by Clara Dao, she shows the emotions girls feel when they hear certain comments about their looks and bodies. This is just one of the many videos she has posted about what girls go through, as she has a whole playlist dedicated to this topic. In her account, she talks about other social issues like double standards and how to be confident with one's self.


We see a very common issue in today's society: double standards or comments made towards women. In the past and still in the present, women are very belittled. If women didn't have the rights to vote or to learn before, now women don't have the rights to feel good about themselves. For some whatever reason, they are expected to reach standards that end up making them feel uncomfortable and act like not themselves. 


Confidence is something we should all have. Despite content creators, celebrities, and trendsetters receiving hateful comments, most of them ignore or show their “bashers” that they are nothing, because these people have confidence. Self-acceptance and self-love are also very necessary. Nowadays, I see a lot of videos and posts that are about self-acceptance and confidence. 

Here’s an advertisement by Selecta with a very special message about family. The elder sister thought that her younger sister was the favorite child between them because her parents were happier with her. When her father talked to her, that’s when she realized they were both loved equally.


There should be no favoritism in families. Awareness about family favoritism, neglect, and abuse are usually spoken up about nowadays. Because of ICT, usually issues like these are corrected with posts online. Parents or family members causing traumas to their own children are exposed online. A lot of organizations can offer help to heal the affected person’s trauma through contacting them on their numbers or on websites.

Inspiring with a Lesson or Message through the Internet: Favoritism in a Family

Everything ICT  Can Do: My Experiences, Observations, and Stand

We have to admit that the online world is not exactly safe, yet. However, it was helped us in so many ways. From communication in order to stay in touch with others to being a big help in businesses and schools, ICT plays a big role in many aspects.


I would like to share a few experiences of mine regarding ICT, and I will include my learnings in the subject this blog is associated with, Empowerment Technologies. :))


Despite being a transferee, I gained a class and club position. I am currently the class treasurer in 11 - St. Martin de Porres and club treasurer in Comp-Tech Society. As a treasurer, it is my duty to keep funds and money safe for future purposes. Recently, our Intrams was held. I had a hard time calculating the expected total of our class' orders for Intrams shirts and jerseys, and the total amount of funds for our club's booth. Luckily, I remembered that there's Google Sheets! Google Sheets is just like Microsoft Excel,. Sir Atienza, our Empowerment Technologies teacher, taught us how to make use of formulas and different functions. I used the said online collaboration tool, mostly the SUM function, so I can get the total amounts properly. It made my job as a treasurer so much easier and I had it done in no time!


Students may think sometimes of a subject that makes them go "Where will I need this in *insert course or profession of interest*?", but luckily, in Empowerment Technologies, it can be really helpful in a lot of aspects. As a student, I use ICT to create my outputs and reviewers, plan with my groupmates for tasks online, talk to my family members, stay in touch with my friends no matter the distance, and so much more.


As a Senior High School student, Empowerment Technologies helps us realizes "online" doesn't only mean "social media". There are so many things about ICT than just the applications we use in our daily lives. Learning about how ICT was created and everything else behind it helps us realize its significance in our world today. 


ICT can help people spread awareness on certain topics. Imagine if the issue regarding scientists warning the world about intense climate change didn't go trending? Imagine if the situation of Gaza right now was not recognized? There are so many serious events happening around the Earth, and ICT helps us raise awareness and provide ways to help make solutions regarding the situations. I consider ICT as an eye-opener for people.  


People can say the Internet is dangerous, but it's only if you don't use it responsibly. If we know how to navigate the Internet and stick to our purpose, then the Internet will not be such of a bad place. But still, we must not be dependent upon online sources. This is why it is now important to know more about ICT.


In conclusion, as ICT evolves, we also evolve. ICT will always be relevant to our lives, no matter who we are. Hopefully, everyone will gain proper access to the Internet and everyone shall use ICT with responsibility.

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